
Gnu/Linux toolbox configuration files

Project maintained by lgaggini Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


These are configuration files for my GNU/Linux workstation(s), some files for my recently added macOS workstation (term, zsh, amethyst, karabiner, neovim) and for my Windows workstation too (windows terminal, zsh, komorebi, autohotkey, neovim, flow-launcher).



There are many available solutions to manage dotfiles. I use a very simple approach. I have a dedicated folder repo, dotfiles, where i copy manually every files to track. After the first manually copy, i sync my dotfiles by --existing options of rsync, that syncs two folder only for files present in the destination. In my bash functions i have the function dots:

rsync -a -v --existing /home/lorenzo/ /home/lorenzo/code/dotfiles/

When on a new machine i clone my github dotfiles repository and copy manually configuration files in the right place. That’s all, no much automation but very simple.

