
My theme and configuration file for Awesome 4.x WM inspired by Archlinux dark colors and KISS philosophy

Project maintained by lgaggini Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Awesome 4.x archKiss

This is my theme and configuration file for Awesome 4.x WM inspired by Archlinux dark colors and KISS (Keep it simple stupid) philosophy. It uses icons from other great awesome themes (see credits for details). I’m using it with GTK adawaita dark theme Flat-Remix-Darkest available for GTK 3 and GTK 2. Recently I introduced some great ideas from awesome-copycats.


I have some variables to control what to show in the panel bar on top, you can customize as you wish. I have also some variables to control what default applications to use. In the configuration the default applications labels are used instead of program name, e.g. browser instead of Chromium, so it remains quite solid. By beautiful you can choose between three themes:

-- Themes define colours, icons, and wallpapers

-- User / hostname info
user_hostname = true

-- Kernel version monitoring
kernel_mon = true

-- Uptime
uptime = true

-- Nic interfaces to monitor, fifo
nics = {"enp0s31f6", "wlp1s0"}

-- Maildir monitor, false or maildir location
mail_mon = false

-- Switch to enable hwmonitor
hwmonitor = true

-- Switch to enable battery monitoring
laptop = true

-- Mountpoint(s) to monitor
mounts = " /: ${/ used_p}%"

-- Enable full calendar on 2nd monitor
full_cal = true

-- Enable mpd bar
mpd = true

-- Enable spotify bar
spotify = true

-- This is used later as the default applications to run.
terminal = "urxvt"
browser = "firefox"
editor = "gvim -rv --role editor"
email = terminal .. " -e neomutt"
email_gui = "thunderbird"
pad = "gvim -rv --role pad"
pim = terminal .. " -title pim -e tmuxp load pim"
news = terminal .. " -title news -e tmuxp load news"
note = terminal .. " -title note -e tmuxp load note"
filemanager = terminal .. " -e ranger"
filemanager_gui = "thunar"
task = "lxtask"
im = "pidgin"
irc = terminal .. " -title irc -e weechat"
teams = "teams"
slack = "slack"
music = terminal .. " -e ncmpcpp"
music_toggle = "mpc toggle"
music_stream = "spotify"
music_stream_toggle = "sp play"
music_stream_data = "sp current-oneline"
media = "mpv"
password = "rofi-pass"
clipboard = "rofi -modi \"paste:~/bin/\" -show paste"
vm = "virtualbox"
remote = "remmina"
runner = "rofi -show run"
wswitcher = "rofi -show window"
bright_down = "xbacklight -dec 10"
bright_up = "xbacklight -inc 10"
audio_toggle = "mpc toggle"
audio_up = "amixer -D pulse sset Master 2%+"
audio_down = "amixer -D pulse sset Master 2%-"
lock = "i3lock-fancy"
poweroff = "sudo poweroff"
reboot = "sudo reboot"

